Weeks 15 and 16: Wrapping up the Electronic Portfolio (and the Semester)

Our final week of class will be devoted to helping you put the finishing touches on your electronic portfolio, which is due during Finals Week. I know how busy you’ll be with final projects and exams in all of your classes, so I have eliminated all readings and homework assignments that aren’t part of Unit #4. Here’s how we’ll spend our time in class:

  • On Tuesday, we will spend the entire class session in workshop mode. By this point, you should have all of your portfolio artifacts converted into their appropriate formats, and these artifacts should be added to your website. Please spend adequate time working on your portfolio before class so we can address any technological challenges that you may have encountered with the SEU Folios system.
  • On Thursday, we will conduct a peer critique session, which will give you the chance to view your classmates’ portfolios and work out any remaining kinks in your site. Please come to class ready to display and explain your complete portfolio, including reflective components and a customized theme.
  • We will not meet as a class during Finals Week, but your deliverables for Unit #4 (the electronic portfolio and the accompanying memo of transmittal) are due no later than Wednesday, December 14, at 3:30 p.m. (Early submissions would be even better!) Before you submit your project, please review the assignment sheet, especially the evaluation criteria, which I will use to grade your portfolio. When you are ready to submit your project, please send me an electronic copy of your memo (in .doc or .pdf format) named as follows: “Full Name 2329 Unit 4 Memo.” Your memo should include the URL for your portfolio, and the portfolio itself should stand on its own (i.e., anything you want me to evaluate should be part of the actual website). Submitting your memo will let me know that your portfolio is ready to be graded.

And that’s it for Information Design! I’ve had a great time this semester, and I can’t wait to see your finished portfolios. If you want to meet with me individually for help with your portfolio, please come see me during office hours (M/W 9-12) or email me to set up another appointment.

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